The Pulsating Sac Of Sound

Pulsating Sac of Sound – Indie College Radio – 4/15/15

Middle of April, let’s get this Spring sh** going, yo. This indie college radio show is like a trendy mole drawn on the bleached skin of a fading pop star. Listen to the The Pulsating Sac Of Sound from 7-8pm EST tonight, in and around Brunswick, Maine, or listen online at

  1. PSOS-Promo-2015-Whos-That-GirlThe Pulsating Sac Of Sound Promo 2015
  2. Violins – I’m from Barcelona
  3. King of Song – Marching Church
  4. Jerk – Only Real
  5. Widow – Downies
  6. Invisible Ways – Tanlines
  7. Franz Kafka – Sharpless
  8. Skeletons – Trails and Ways
  9. PSA
  10. Mommy – Gateway Drugs
  11. Pickwick Average – Loose Tooth
  12. Zenith – Ben Khan
  13. Whisperer – LA Font
  14. ‘Cause I’m A Man – Tame Impala
  15. Easter Island – Tennis
  16. Air – WIN WIN
  17. Ring Around The Room – Creative Adult