The Pulsating Sac Of Sound

The Pulsating Sac of Sound Halloween Show – 10/7/21

Tonight’s indie show is like after a man losing his arm in a car accident, a criminal psychologist replacing it with a limb that belonged to a serial killer. Listen to the Pulsating Sac Of Sound indie radio show Thursdays via Spotify or mp3 download

  1. The Pulsating Sac Of Sound - Body PartsThe Pulsating Sac of Sound Halloween Intro 2021
  2. The Coven — Krzysztof Komeda
  3. Beast of the Lake — Dream Vision
  4. Deja Vu — Timothy Fife
  5. Spleen — Ruth White
  6. The Equestrian Vortex — Broadcast
  7. Nightly Ritual — The Night Monitor
  8. The Work of Death (Alternate Version) — Luboš Fišer
  9. Kali Lamentation I — Jarboe
  10. Germoir — Mordant Music
  11. Blade and a Bunny — Alicia Fricker
  12. PSA
  13. Prayer to the God of Primal Darkness — Robert Smith, Jr. & Russ Huddleston
  14. Untitled 9 — Der Blutharsch
  15. Hades Hymn — Brimstone Coven
  16. A Seancing Song — Broadcast & The Focus Group
  17. “Now you’re chanelling the real thing” — Roj
  18. The Hidden Master — Grant Moros
  19. Witch — Goblin
  20. Equinox Suite: Invocation, Pt. 1 — Jex Thoth
  21. Sono L’Antichristo — Diamanda Galás
  22. Return to Infra-Green — Cernunnos Woods
  23. PSA
  24. Licking the Fig Tree — Black To Comm
  25. Moonhouse — Spires That In The Sunset Rise
  26. The Pulsating Sac of Sound Halloween Intro 2020
  27. Ave Satani — Genocide Organ
  28. Nemacolin — Todd Tamanend Clark
  29. Quabalistic Cross — Zero Kama
  30. Poisons — Zos Kia
  31. A Language of Sex — Bobby Krlic
  32. Magick Mother Invocation — Gong
  33. Invocation — Non
  34. Birds Inspire Epic Bards — Fursaxa
  35. The Ride Of Aida (Voodoo) — Lucifer
  36. Transcendence — Sabbath Assembly
  37. PSA
  38. Psychic Rituals — The Psychic Circle
  39. Vilification (Prologue) — Con-Dom
  40. Swinscoe Episode 2 – ‘Release The Birds’ — The Advisory Circle
  41. Frostbitten — Gnod
  42. Palms Crossed in Sorrow — SPK
  43. Horrorscope (1979) — Ralph Lundsten
  44. Boneshaker — Nocturnal Emissions
  45. PSA
  46. Appointment With The Wicker Man — Magnet
  47. Dancing Gods — Silver Apples
  48. Herjafather — Blood Axis
  49. Aussi loin que je me souvienne — Le Système Crapoutchik
  50. The Hunter — Boyd Rice + Friends
  51. Orgies – A Tool of Witchcraft — Louise Heubner
  52. Witch’s Coven — Mark Korven


