Pulsating Sac of Sound – September 22, 2014

Fall is here tonight. New show time is 7-8pm EST on Mondays, so an hour shorter, but more potent. Tonight, you can enjoy the Pulsating Sac of Sound on 91.1FM from 7-8pm EST locally in and around Brunswick, Maine, or listen online at wbor.org.

  1. The Pulsating Sac Of Sound - Sac Drop Collage LogoThe Pulsating Sac Of Sound Promo
  2. Gatekeeper – Chainless
  3. Little White Lies – Fei-Fei
  4. SoLong – School
  5. Put Your Number In My Phone – Ariel Pink
  6. Stand By Me – Ki:Theory
  7. Temptation & Desire – Silent Servant