WBOR Show – 8.26.13

the-pulsating-sac-of-sound-wborKiller show tonight. Not sure when the summer season ends, but my show day and time will most likely change in September. Keep listening to WBOR and check back here for show updates. Let’s all mourn summer’s end…


  1. Pulsating Sac Of Sound Promo 2013
  2. Rubble—Jacuzzi Boys
  3. No Change—Nude Beach
  4. Count Cuts—Grave Babies
  5. Pull Me In—Paper Lions
  6. Bodyflirt—LX Sweat
  7. Anxious People—Sunboy
  8. Youth Ministry—Saskatchewan
  9. Ice Age Heatwave—Cloud Control
  10. Drone—Heavens Gate
  11. Wicked Game—London Grammar
  12. Chest Pain PSA
  13. I Think We’re Alone Now—Grooms
  14. Do You Want a Man? (John Hill + Rich Costey Remix)    —The Vaccines
  15. The Keepers—Ty Segall
  16. I Didn’t See It Coming (Richard X Mix)—Belle And Sebastian
  17. This Is Living—Shark?
  18. Royals (The Weeknd Remix)—Lorde
  19. Nerve Endings—Eagulls
  20. Everything—Nine Inch Nails
  21. Chain My Name—Poliça
  22. Late Pass—Jel
  23. Unison—On An On
  24. Heavy Metal Clouds—Crocodiles
  25. Children—Black City Lights
  26. Texting While Driving PSA
  27. A Sacred State—Holograms
  28. Monday Morning—James Younger
  29. Someone New —Kakkamaddafakka
  30. Boarder Line—King Krule
  31. Brand New Fall—Me Like Bees
  32. Performance—Outfit
  33. Remote Controlled—Slut
  34. Young Presidents—Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin
  35. King City—Swim Deep
  36. Shucks—Dungeonesse

Nacho-Ghoul-Shirt-smallThis show is brought to you by the letters “F” and “U”
and sponsored by the Nacho Ghoul.
